
Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Jacob Kime Farm Project.....

This picture was taken in the summer the house is 10xs worse, than in the picture)

Hello everybody, recently i have decided to start a project on a local Civil War Hospital built in 1863, The Jacob Kime Farm. It was currently for sale, but they took it off the market becuase it had conditions that was unlivible. There are no stairs leading up to the 2nd floor and the floor is getting eaten away, and it has 200 acres to it. I really want to protect it, and restore it to its original condition as a National Living History Musuem. I am researching on how to go about and do all that along with my mom and my teahcers at my school have even offered to help, with it. I am writing letters and trying to do everything i can, to save this wonderful building. I am also trying to raise a charity to be able to restore it to its original conditon. I'll post more on this....and let everybody know how this all will turn out!!!!

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