
Monday, February 7, 2011

Inky Kitty.........

Inky is my 8 year old cat,Pitch black with the slitted eyes, We adopted another one!!!!!! I fell in love with her the minute my family and i saw her, So she became ours!!! Anyways, she had 3 other siblings along with her, but we could only handle one :), We named her inky becuase she is as black as ink, and shes my little girl, She is very spolied i will admit for a housecat, but what can i say i love her. She runs like a dog, and can meow for so long she could probably sing the national anthem.:) She gets fed twice a day, and i put catnip into her food, and she flips out after a couple hours, she'll fly into the air, its hilarious. (I should post her on YouTube). Anyways,Inky is never shy and will climb up on anybody. She's a couch potato. She was really skinny at first when i got her, and now she is right where she needs to be with her weight. So im glad that im doing a good job, and Yes, my other cats do get along with her, and she is kept in the cat room, i call it.. Where all the animals stay... She is my Inky Kitty, I love her!!!!!!!

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