
Monday, June 28, 2010

The end to a wonderful day.......

Hello everybody, now I know I haven't posted anything in a week but things have been pretty hectioc around here-Trust me-!!! Well anyways me and family ahve been doing this year round thing going to the beach every year after school lets out, IT WAS A BLAST!! We went to the same waterpark that we went to everyyear and even our dad went on with us even our mom, went shopping, and my very favoritegoing to the boardwalk like we do every year. But this year was a little diffrent our Aunt and Nana came and we baked cookies and all the works!!!!!! But too bad it had to end we left really early though so could get on the road and back to the house. Well looks like I have to go now- But I'll post more tommarow- Bye for now!!!!

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