
Thursday, August 19, 2010

My horse Dancer......

We have this one horse that we board at gettsyburg Hummingbird Hill Farm of off Tonytown Road It's really easy to get to and close too. Currently we are trying to find anotehr barn to board her at..... now let me tell you a little bit about her she's a ex race horse and her grandfather is Northern Dancer WOW!!! We looked it up on youtube he was pretty fast. Well anyways back on subject she's 9 years old and is a Black thouroughbred and our other horse Hershey is a Draft cross Welsh Mountin Pony, and i think at the most is 20 yeras old he has really bad teeth though and can't eat a lot of peppermints..... or sweets only CARROTS for that matter.... We are looking at a house that has a 10 stall horse barn but isn't working out so well!!! But back to subject...They're both really sweet and I really don't ride her that much but at the most I ride western!! Well gotta go I'l, post some more tommarow.....!!!

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