
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Duck Funeral......

It was a bright sunny day welll not so much. We were going down to collect eggs because Dave owns a bunch of chickens so we go down and collect eggs everyday well then after that we went down to the pond so we could see fish we bounced on the dock and then we saw a heron so we went down to go and take a video of it with our phones...... we must have scared him or something because he fly away up on a tree. we were going to see him and we saw A DEAD DUCK SITING ON THE GRASS WITH ITS HEAD COMPLETLY MISSING AT first we thought that the heron ate it and turns out it was a snapping turtle thoose thing s are nasty, well anyways we continuied on and we came to discover that tehre were 3 more ducks floating on the water which was DEFINITLY a snapping turtle but we looked a little bit closer AND A snapping turtle was hanging on to the dead ducks foot..... we walked away slowly!!!! And went home well that was our day and a pretty crazy one I might add. Well I'll post more bye- for now!!!

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