
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Figuring out your puzzle or so called horse......Designed for you horse in mind....

Can you picture yourself on a kool summer breeze riding on the back of your horse at the beach, well before you think of that think about working with your horse! I was riding my horse, Ben and found out that i needed to work with him instead of riding him. I was so glad too.He is a really sweet guy but when i threw his feed bucket down for him to eat it he totally freaked out, just as i thought that he wouldn't he spooked, but i blamed myself for not working with him. I mean he can't do that by himself! So it was up to me as the owner to look out for his interest in mind! I have ridden him before and thought that he was fine, but when that little experience happened I got a new perspective on things! Here are a few ways to help with that!
-Porcipine game
-Driving game
-Circiling game
- Yo-Yo game
- Muscle relaxation(to help calm thoose tense muscles)
-love your horse for who he is-

Don't be fooled by your horses, strong behavior and confident that you know him! Just trust that you know what is best for him!! Just as you think that you know your horse, we prove ourselves wrong. Do good by your horse, and think of him first! :) :) :) You'll be happy that you did! :) :) :)

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