
Sunday, April 10, 2011

New boy in town....

Hello everybody, You all know my horse Dancer well.... we were inspired to get another palimino quarter horse gelding.. His name is Ben, and he was injured in June or sometime around that period. Anyways, it was a tinsel fence and it wrapped around his leg and severed one of his tendons, not both tendons, just the one!!! He is a very good boy, and we love him and are excited to welcome him into his new family!!! Ben's leg has healed and the guy that had him before really loved him and was devastated when all of that happe. They were going to put him down, but the vet came out and said that he was just too good of a horse, to put down, he could still be companion horse, or something else, he just needed to relax and they needed to clean it and take really good care of it, they did a wonderful job with taking care of Ben, he was previouly a cutting horse or roping horse!! He was a good boy!! Anyways, we bought him and he as been a great horse, we have been washing the cut everyday, and putting vetricyin on it, and making sure that it was wrapped when we ride him!!! But that won't be for a while. He gets turned out in a big grassy padock, with lots of grass, water, and hay!! We love him, and always will!! I will post some pics of his leg and his new family, and the horses that make it up too!!!

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