
Friday, March 4, 2011

The Kings Speech.....

This weekend me and my family went go and whatch the Kings Speech. I have to say i think that this movie gets put under my favorite movie listings!!! Having the rating that it does, I would say that if you go and see it with a responsible adult, then you should have absolutly no problems what so ever!!! Anyways the Movie, is very suspensing, yet brings that emotion of inspiration as well. Colin Firth is a very good actor, he brings that emotion to the stage with him and plays an incredible role, in this academy award winning movie!!! My 10 year old sister went to go and whatch it and see didn't want to go and see it at first, but as she understood what the movie meant, she got into the mood and feelings of this stunning movie!!! I would go and see it plenty of more times, and give it a thumbs up!!!

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