
Sunday, March 14, 2010

The joy of Oreo.........

Hi Everyone. This year their has been many changes, I bought a new horse at a local auction his name is Oreo, He's a black and white paint. he's adorable!He makes this really funny face whenever you give him a peppermint, It's sooo hilarious!! Although he's not very good at getting on a horse trailer, trust me as soon as he sees that trailer he freaks out, but hey thats one more thing to work on! Anyway, The one thing that I'm trying to do is learn western, welll I already know how to ride I just need to learn how to gallop..... Right now I'm really focusing on Barrel Racing, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't seen a barrel in his life!!! OH,BOY!! Well anyways, I'm really looking forward to everything that Oreo has to teach me and for me to teach him.... He's such a sweet horse, and I really plan on making his life much better than before!!! Wish me luck!!!

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