
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

White,White,Winter Weather

Hi Everyone As you all know Pennsylvania, has been hit with some pretty tough weather, but not as rough as the big blizzard thats been lasting almost 1 week! After me and my sister took one look, and we both knew that the snow was there for our enjoyment! We dug tunnels build Fort Amin and had a couple snowball fights-Now you see we weren't the only one having a blast our dogs decided to join the fun,and come pile in the snow with us, YOU COULDN'T EVEN SEE THERE FACE, AND AS FOR ME AND EMA ,WELLLL LETS JUST SAY THAT IT WAS UP TO OUR NECKS! We had the biggest kick out of that day, but unfortuanally the snow didn't last that long the sun came out and all was welll, ya for me mom it might be, but for us It was like watching our favorite stuffed animal getting torn up......Day after day we waited and whatched but finallly the snow started to fall.But, as sooon as my mom told us the good news, we were sooo excited that we almost cried, soo me and my sister both decided that after, the snow stopped falling that we would go out side and build 3 more forts, 2010 really turned out to be the welllll how do I put this the BEST YAER EVER! I posted some picts. my dogsa,and me and my sister-I hope you enjoy them!!!!